Why Over Thinking Leads to Throwing Problems

How to Throw Intuitively

One challenge for ball players with the throwing yips is getting caught up in a cycle of over thinking. I think it starts the yips cycle.

Ball plays will:

Overthink what their arm is doing…

Overthink their mechanics…

Overthink what others might think…

And overthink the outcome of a bad throw.

All this over thinking starts the yips cycle and keeps players stuck, but they continue to search for answers—all in the wrong places. They don’t consider the mind is the missing piece.

Here’s what Brett wrote to say about his situation as a coach throwing BP:

“My playing days are over, but I am now coaching and have a tough time throwing accurate bp and throwing to my players. I’ve just had a hard time throwing without any thoughts. I constantly am thinking about throwing the ball away, my mechanics, judgement, etc. If you have any advice to help, I’d appreciate it.”

This is super typical of players that are trying to regain control of their throwing action. Brett is focused on all the wrong areas when throwing.

Remember, focusing on negative outcomes is what kicks in the fear. I’m not talking about just the fact of making a bad throw, but also the aftermath of making a bad throw such as:

-Will I embarrass myself again?

-Will coach pull me from the game?

-Will I lose my starting position?

-Will my teammates not respect my skills?

Why is this so difficult to overcome? These fears are core issues for many ball players. For example, if I want to be seen as a star on my team, I would hate to lose star points because I can’t throw back to the pitcher or make a play at first base.

How do you unravel this over thinking and start to quiet the mind?

First, you have to understand what your core fear is about making a bad throw. What does this mean to your place on the team and how you think others will judge you?

Second, you have to address this fear head on and start to rationalize with yourself about your fears. In many cases, your fears are irrational.

Third, you have to stop focusing on what your arm is doing. I call this a hyper focus on your arm in space, which leads to extreme over control–and then feeling out of control.

Instead, go back to intuitive throwing–just like when you threw the ball as a young player.

If you’re struggling with your throwing this fall, now is the time to overcome this challenge. Don’t wait until you start the spring season to deal with it or hope it just goes away.

And if you want more help with overcoming the lob throw, contact me about one-on-one mental coaching for the yips.

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Yips Cure

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