Patrick Cohn

Does “Tapping” or EFT Help With The Throwing Yips?

Yips be gone

What is EFT “Tapping?” Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) works by releasing blockages within the energy system which are the source of emotional intensity and discomfort. An EFT treatment involves the use of fingertips rather than needles to tap on the end points of energy that are situated just beneath the surface of the skin. EFT often works when nothing else … Throwing Yips Article>>

How Do Coaches Handle the Yips?

The yips can affect all players in all different positions. The real question is, how does a coach helps players with the yips–if that’s the real problem behind poor throwing. Some players don’t even know they have the yips and will accept that their mechanics are to blame… Many coaches try to deny the yips by saying they just have … Throwing Yips Article>>